About Us
You've reached the online home of Waterloo Campus Ministry! We are the Christian Reformed presence on the campuses of the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. Whether you're here to get the scoop on what's happening on campus or to connect with others, we hope you a place where you can belong.
Explore this site for all sorts of useful information about the ministry, or get in touch at melissab@waterloocampusministry.ca.

About Melissa
Hi! I'm Melissa Burmaster, the Christian Reformed Campus Minister here at Laurier and UW. You're always welcome to stop by for a chat at either campus, or we can meet somewhere in between. Let's do coffee or sit for lunch together!
As you navigate much life change over your academic studies, I hope we can explore how God is interested in all things about you -- your relationships, your vocation and your future.
You are welcome to contact me at the email address above.